7/5/2023 General meeting minutes
October 21, 2023 at 2:37 pm #573
Thomas Maley
Participant7/5/2023 CVR General Meeting Minutes @ 2405 N Dick Road, Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Pledge of Allegiance, moment of silence
Meeting called to order @ 18:34 hours 48 present
Officers Present: Ginger Vice President, Mick Secretary, Postie Treasurer, Jamz SAA
Guests: Cathryn, a neighbor and concerned citizen wanted to address the members about referendum 101. The referendum is to overturn SB 5599. SB 5599 allows the state to harbor runaway children and provide medicalized gender treatments without their parents’ knowledge or consent. Signing the Referendum will allow the citizens to have a second chance to vote on SB 5599 and vote no or REJECT at the ballot box on November 7, 2023. The referendum needs 200,000 registered voters’ signatures by July 15th to qualify and be put on the ballot. She brought petitions to sign for those that agree and will stay thru the meeting for those that have questions.
Colleen protested that we allowed a political topic to be presented before the members without having anyone of the opposing view present to speak.
Her descent was acknowledged and we moved on.
President Report: Ginger: Disappointed that only had one member, Stich, respond to the post asking for help with T.A.P.S., Tragedy assistant program for survivors, at the Davenport Grand Hotel. Setting up tables filling gift bags hanging out for the event…etc. This event is hosted by Laborers Union 238.The Union I belong to and they have donated to C.V.R. for at least 3 yrs. It is time to show them how we support Veteran/ Military events. Precious and Jeramiah will also participate. Times are:
7/6 hrs 0900-1600 with a lunch break
7/7 hrs 0900-1430 and/or 1430-1730
If you are not going on Newby-Beyers
7/8 hrs 0915-1100
And 7/9 1300-1630
Get in touch with Precious if you can make any of these dates.
We had a lot of different activities happening on the weekend of 6/17. Some going to Metaline Falls others on the B.F.E. ride, also had a fund raiser at Liberty Lake Yoke’s and asked to attend the runner Noah Coughlan coming to the Spokane Memorial Arena. Subsequently we could only get 5 members to go out there and someone in charge was disappointed we couldn’t have more. Sorry we only can do so much.
Vets Forum spaghetti dinner went well. More than enough for all who were there.
Mike Paccerelli “Caveman” has withdrawn his membership application and go a different rout.
VP Report: The B.F.E. ride had a little sideline to it this year with the death of their member Moose. With him in mind Ginger gave his winning of the 50/50 ($263.00) and other money received (300.00) to Moose’s widow. There is a celebration of life for him on 7/29 in Eatonvill at the Order of the Eagles @ 15:00. The rout planned on, is 5-1/2 Hr., in the saddle ride time. For those wanting to come plan on KSU 07:00 from the clubhouse. There is a motel in town to stay in, Mill Village Motel. Ginger will stay on the west side and visit family and not ride back the next day.
Sec Report: Need a full patch meeting in July. Scheduled for Thursday 7/20 18:30 hours
Treasurer Report: Postie: here to accept payment of dues.
Bug: Request all financial transactions with vets or vet organizations have the proper paper work turned in by the 1st of the month. Countered Colleens’ decent about not offering an opposing view earlier saying it was not presented as a club single vote issue but offered to us as individuals capable of making our own decision on the subject.
SAA: As said before, more 1% clubs coming to town if you feel uneasy around them just leave the area. When you’re riding be respectful of everyone else on the road including the different clubs.
Events Coordinator: Simo: Ginger via email: Kleckner golfing for warriors only one flight on Friday 8/11 and Saturday 8/12, both morning flights KSU 06:30 from clubhouse arrive @ 07:45 Downriver.
Rides: Digger: Canada trip was awesome and all had a good time, great route, wants to do again next year. Kramer Ranch and silo visit was also well done and wants to do again next year.
Saturday 7/8 is Newby/Byers ride KSU 08:30 clubhouse registration 09:00 @ Newby-gunnings.
POW/MIA Scout: Ginger: All going according to plan. July is cut off date for T-shirt design, need to select a winner.
Resource Officer: BBW: Has been helping with transportation to appointments, time of year when asked for help with paying power bills.
IT: Pyro: Running behind schedule due to health issues. Working on getting Square program incorporated, maybe by end of next week. Should be ready to run for our approval by the end of July.
Chaplain: Precious: Jeramiah is out of hospital and back home recuperating, keep him in your thoughts. Just saw Strider, who is getting back the use of his leg and improving with his arm. Still at the VA. Keep Panhead, and my sister-in-law in your prayers.
Fund Raising Committee: Precious: Have had three fund raisers, Yoke’s Sprague, Yoke’s Argonne, and Yoke’s Liberty Lake and have done well. Out of town on 6/17 and thanked Hillbilly for taking over Liberty Lake Yoke’s.
Advocates: Digger: Let new members and prospects know what advocates do and are there when ever needed. Bug added their responsible to do an in-house audit of our books every 3 months.
Just Rob: Not in attendance Pappy: nothing at this time
Club House: Everything is good and pointed out to the addition of the missing man table against the wall under the flag to be permanent.
Store: Kare Bear: Had good turn around for open house. Good for the club to be seen at Faifield flag day. Ready to order T-shirts for POW/MIA when design is chosen. Celebrate Jamz final retirement, yea.
Auxiliary: Will be doing Spaghetti feed for Newby/Byers ride on Saturday
Teach: Contact her if you want to promote someone for a Quilts of Valor to get things started. She wants to promote a quilt for Strider and needs to contact him for the information needed.
Tex asked that the day he will receive it be made available to the club so a group could be present when he gets it.
Sponsors: Dawg: Robert, nothing new Dawg: Isaac, 1 meeting Digger: Cornfed, needs 1 ride
Panhead: Nine, DD-214 Chief: Justin 3 rides Bug: Maclir? Bug: Runaway 2,2, &2
Tex: Conda, meeting, ride, 2 events
BREAK: All Patch members stay inside.
VP: Has been receiving emails from Tiller Powell, a friend of Puddles and his x-fiancé, regarding his belief that Nine does not qualify to be a member of our club because. He says, Nine has no military service. Have repeatedly informed Powell that Nine is not a member of our club at this time and no longer want any communication from him about it. BBW said he will be going to where Powell works with some other business to do and will contact him at that time and make sure he understands his input is not needed or wanted.
Old Business & Miscellaneous Topics: Mick delivered what donations we had for the Spokane Veterans Home “Not Forgotten Event” on July 4th, and they thanked us for them.
Jeramiah’s aunt Karen, who has donated money to the club several times, is now battling cancer. Will ask the members to start a gift box for her, like the one we did for Spokane Veterans Home, as a way of saying Thank You for your support. Just simple little personal care sundries.
This Friday game night with pot luck dinner and more, the Rogue Zombies Riding Club (RZRC) has a new friend, a 3-year-old special needs boy named Nathan. He and his mom are going to be at the Combat Vet Riders clubhouse for Friday night game night. We’re (RZRC) trying to coordinate a bunch of riders to show up to say hi and show him how we take care of each other. If you have any stickers or anything like that to give him, that would be much appreciated. Thank you, Matt Cooper, President RZRC. Have received over 1,000 hits on there posting so there may be a large turnout of Bikes for this.
Chief asked about Walla Walla donation? Check has been cut and given to Jeramiah to deliver.
Tex has the web address for Run Across America to keep in touch with his progress. He posted a video of his Spokane stop highlighting CVR in it. Ask him if you want the address.
New business: Updates on Kleckner golfing for warriors. There are changes, no banquet this year and only one Friday flight. Went over time schedule earlier in meeting.
Need tires, a spare and jack for the club trailer. 2 tires still have good tread, 2 almost past wear marks. Ginger will get the lot numbers off the good tires and find out if we should keep them or replace all 4. Problems arose when we had to get tags and where not the person they had on record as registered owner. Bug said we never had the title for it. Believe Scout has started the paper work for claiming lost title. Work in progress.
Ginger dropped of his bike at Lone Wolf to be worked on, and kidding around hoping Skite would hear he was expecting to get a full detail work done at no cost. When he picked it up, one of his saddlebags had the scratches and dings buffed out and look brand new so he wanted to say Thank You to Skite for that, above and beyond the call.
Panhead got the white Jeep that Puddles was using clean and running and it is available for any veteran who needs transportation. Required is a donation to the club and they must sign the title and take possession and liability before we let it go.
Digger asked if we would like to have his kids bring out the shaved ice drink cart to the clubhouse Saturday. After he said you can add liquor to the cones everyone said yes.
Razor was able to get possession of a limited-edition picture and brought to the clubhouse to be hung wherever we can fit it.
For Good of the Order: Stich has reserved the clubhouse for Saturday July 29th for another Fight Night. Going to be a good one with 7 big fights lined up and one with a local fighter.
Meeting adjourned: 19:59
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