5/3/2023 General meeting minutes
October 21, 2023 at 2:25 pm #571
Thomas Maley
Participant5/3/2023 CVR General Meeting Minutes @ 2405 N Dick Road
Pledge of Allegiance, moment of silence
Meeting called to order @ 18:34 hours 53 present
Officers Present: Jeramiah President, Ginger Vice President, Mick Secretary, Postie Treasurer, Jamz SAA
Guests: Michael Paccerelli, Army cavalry scout, Purple Heart recipient, tours of duty in Iraq, rides a HD, applied for membership.
Maclin Broughman, Army vet, tour of duty in Afghanistan, rides a Star 1100, applied for membership,
Chris, no military connections.
President Report:
Vets Forum / court meetings 3rd Thursday of the month, good organization helps combat vets in trouble with the law. Want to show our support. Asking any members that are available at that time to please come to a meeting at the National Guard Readiness Center. It will help these Vets to see other Vets that care enough about them to show up and spend some time there. Starts at 17:00 hours.
VP Report: Getting together a committee to review and tweak our By-laws, if interested see me at break or after meeting.
Sec Report: Nothing at this time.
Treasurer Report: Have balance sheet of club finances for full members to look at. If not caught up to date on dues please pay what you can tonight.
SAA: New clubs in the area, be aware. If you come in contact with any of them and feel something may happen best to just leave the area.
Events Coordinator: Simo: Weather good for riding. Thunder Thursday ride going again gets the patch out there to be seen. ABATE Motorcycle Organization Awareness Ride on May 6th. Starts at Clarks Fork restaurant, 1028 N Hamilton, KSU 10:00. President and SAA will ride in it. Will finish or stop at Yoke’s. Fallen Heroes carry banners in the Lilac Parade can always use more people willing to carry one, they have a meeting tomorrow night at the clubhouse 18:00 hours if anyone wants to volunteer. Panhead will try to get in touch with the head of the car club about our club starting the parade with them. If he can’t contact him, the club can do so at the car show on day of the parade. Not sure about escorting WWII Vets to their staging area still working on it. Idaho Memorial ride Saturday 27th, Monday 29th Memorial Day ride Washington with BBQ. Have open house on Saturday 6/3
POW/MIA: Scout: Meetings are last Monday of the month, next one on 5/29 time 18:30. Most things are worked out. Need to get out donation letters. Route being worked on with a lunch stop. T-shirt design open till July meeting. Offering a $100.00 and free event T-shirt to winner of the design chosen for the ride.
Rides: Digger: Had a pretty good turn out for opening ride to Palouse Caboose and back. Apologize for not going over hand signals before ride will do so from now on. Came up with new hand signal to designate single file on extreme right to allow blockers to get back in position. Need for all riders to keep passing signals down the line to the very last rider in formation.
Resource Officer: BBW: Quiet, 2 calls from vets needing financial help. They were informed we will help but not as first contributors. Haven’t heard back from either.
Chaplain: Precious: Strider still in the V.A. Bldg. 12 Room 140. Not sure how well he is recovering, haven’t been able to see him for a couple of weeks. Visit and keep in prays, also Panhead, Pappy and two of my close friends with medical conditions.
Advocates: Digger: Nothing Just Rob: Nothing Pappy: Nothing
Club House: Fallout: Canteen doing well. Table by entry door that use to have coffee pot now has club form letters for gifts, donations, etc., do not put anything else on there. Cleaned up floor and had a LOT of dog fur, so if you bring your dogs in the clubhouse, please cleanup after them.
Store: Kare Bear: Getting more patches to sell. If you want something let her know.
Fund Raising Committee: Precious: We have a fund raiser on Saturday at Argon Yoke’s. Time 09:00 to 15:00 hours or whenever. Have signup sheet for 2-hour shifts, if you signup show up.
Sponsors: Dawg: Robert: Haven’t heard from not sure about. Precious has seen will be at fund raiser still wants
to join. Dawg: Phoenix: Needs ride Digger: Cornfed: Needs 2 rides, 2 events Bug: Skite: Needs 2 rides
Tex: Tuner: Need ride & event Panhead: Nine: Working on it. Chief: Scout: Justin: Needs event and rides
Precious: Stevo: Needs meeting, event, & rides
Auxiliary: Club to supply dogs and burgers for open house. Have signup sheet for other food dishes
BREAK: Full Patch members stay inside. President: Has found out two ex-members (Hass, Cowboy) have been given permission to start a new club. If you have contact with them do not pass on any club information, nothing! Have received a call regarding the way a member wearing our cut was riding. A little to fast they thought. Remember when you are out in public and wearing our patch you are representing all of us and our organization, we want to be seen as respectful and lawful.
Jeramiah & Scout: Present Austin with Flash Patch. Given the road name GNOMI (pronounced NoMe). Was presented a gnome statuette by Ginger and Jamz
Old Business & Miscellaneous Topics: For the open house need raffle and door prizes. Scout offered a Bocce Ball set.
Friday game night is back on, with this week Cinco De Mayo in mind it’s Mexican food. Neighbor has been in touch about starting a neighborhood watch program. Will have a meeting at this Friday’s game night, club will join watch.
New business: Thursday June 15th club does dinner for Vets Forum have signup sheet for food needed.
Need Sponsors for new prospects. Scout volunteered for Michael, Bug volunteered for Maclin.
For Good of the Order: Michael: When discharge had hard time returning to civilian life after over 24 months in Iraq. Had warrior’s mentality was using VA meds trying to cope and had problems with the law. Arrested on assault charges he was given the chance to redeem himself with the help of the Vets Forum / court. Could only say how much that it changed his mind set and his life. Feels the club’s involvement with the forum is a win/win deal for everybody and asked for those that can to help out all they can.
Dirt: Willing to pay up to $500.00 for repair on the pool table his son lent the club. Tex said he was quoted $300.00 to refelt the cushions.
Jamz: The hot/cold mugs with our club logo, both color and without color, are now available at the store in both 24 oz. and 30 oz. No price given.
Stich: After Fairfield Flag Day parade and booth he has clubhouse reserved for watching fight match.
Stevo: Wife’s mother passed away she is out of town please keep in prayers.
Digger: Not sure about BFE ride, if not on agenda may redo to an overnight ride. Asked for response, some interested. All TBD at a later date.
Hillbilly: Tree business going well anyone need fire wood let him know also any tree work, trim or falling. Still on for doing a shoot out on his property maybe in early fall. Will need some help with the preparations for that.
Meeting adjourned: 20:04
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