11/6/24 general meeting minutes
November 7, 2024 at 9:26 am #739Darian AllenModerator
General meeting minutes
Call to order: 1845 Members/auxiliary & guests 54
Officers present: President; Jeremiah, Vice President; Ginger, Sargent at arms; Jamz, Secretary; Dawg, Treasure; Elvis and Bug, Advocates; Just Rob, Digger and Steveo.
Pledge, Moment of silence: SA.
Ringing of the BELL:
We rang the Bell for Bill “Flames” Neilson.
Kiersten, from Fallon Heroes.
11/11/2024 1000. OC 0915. Cathy McMorris Rogers will speak at the Veterans appreciation day celebration at the veterans Arena.
Heartfelt thank you for all the help with the Ruck march.
She also donated the Auxiliary, when she made one to us. Thank you, Kiersten.
Bill “Flames” Neilson Daughter Dawn.
11/23/2024, 1300 At the OC. Is having a celebration of life for Flames
President’s report:
Vets’ appreciation day school assemblies,
11/7/24 McDonald Elementary, arrive at 1000. Starts at 1015.
11/8/24 University High School. Arrive at 0900.
11/8/24 Trent wood Elementary arrive at 1030. Enter through the East parking lot.
11/8/24 Regal Elementary arrive at 1400.
11/8/24 VFW 51 Honoring Vets’ 1300-1500. (VFW 51 is on Mission Ave).
11/11/24 VFW 51 Celebration of the Marine Corps Birthday. 1800 (VFW 51 is on Mission Ave).
Check approval and money management. Remember everyone needs to get approval from the E board before spending club money.
Formed a committee to clean up our members list. Thanks to Steveo, Sweed, BBW, Hansel, Cornfed and Digger.
Vice president’s report:
11/9/24 1230 Special Forces boat cruise. Cost is $40.00. See Long Bow for tickets or call Chief at (509) 280-5738. The boat leaves the dock at exactly 1230.
Thanks to everyone who showed up for Wills escort on the 25TH. Ginger read the thank you e mail from the family.
Sargent at arms report:
Keep up the good work.
Secretary’s report:
December’s E Board meeting will be on the 27TH.
January’s Voting members meeting will be on the 8TH. (ELECTIONS).
Treasurer’s report:
Elvis: Last meeting recap; The decals are here $10.00 each.
Advocates report:
Just Rob: Nothing currently.
Digger: Nothing currently.
Stevo: Nothing currently.
Resource report:
BBW: Nothing new to add.
Ride & event committee:
Gnomie: Not present
Hansel: 11/16/24 0900-1500. Fund raiser at Yokes. New Airway Hights location, Between Hayford and Airway.
Outreach center report:
Fallout: Reiterate prices to rent the OC. Members $50.00 Non-members $100.00 starting 1/1/25.
Store report:
Kare Bear: Previous year POW/MIA shirts on sale.
Auxiliary report:
11/14/24 Last fund raiser at Texas Roadhouse for this year.
Sign up to bring food for the Christmas party.
See Tink, Kare Bear, Presilla, or Tone If you know a Vet that needs help for Christmas this year.
12/13/24 1830. Decorate the OC. For the Christmas party. Game night will also be going on.
12/14/24 1830 CVR Christmas party.
Chaplin’s report:
Presious: Keep Cory Kramer and Water dog in your prayers.
Sponsors report:
Steveo / Delano: Vote for back patch. 29 Yea 0 Nea.
Precious / Bear. Up for his back patch in December.
Bug / Hiccup. Up for her back patch in December.
Scout / Jax. Waiting on time.
Scout / Highway. Waiting on time.
Skite / Spider. Waiting on time.
Skite / Gun Z. 2 Rides,1 Event and 1 Meeting.
Tex / Scott Evans. 1 Meeting.
Weed / Water Bug. 1 Event and 1 Meeting.
New business:
12/14/24 0900. Meet at Mc Cracken on Sprague for the men’s Christmas party. The school bus will be there.
CVR 16TH birthday party is in November. 11/24/24 time TBD.
Old business:
Good of the order:
11/11/24 at 1100 VA. Food give away to volunteer go to the last driveway on Wellsley or the drive between the VA Hospital and the Reserve unit on Assembly.
Meeting adjourned: 2000.
- This topic was modified 2 months, 4 weeks ago by Darian Allen.
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