Voting members meeting 1-8-2025

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  • #751
    Darian Allen


    Voting Members meeting Minutes

    January 08, 2025

    Call to order: 1835 Members/auxiliary & guests 37

    Officers present: President; Jeremiah, Vice President; Ginger, Sargent at arms; Jamz, Secretary; Dawg, Treasure; Elvis and Bug, Advocates; Digger, Just Rob and Steveo.

    Pledge, Moment of silence: SA.

    Scout / Highway Back patch unanimous 37-0.

    President’s report:


    Shutdown the store. Here forwards the store will be run by a committee. (Membership vote unanimous 37-0). Committee is Stitch, Conda, Momma Bear, Flip Flop, Stogie and Nuggets

    Tabs at the canteen. Not to exceed $20.00.

    Recruiting Committee has been established. (Steveo and Gemini).

    Proper procedure for inviting people to our functions and or Outreach Center. Get E-board approval before inviting people or groups.

    Revamp game night. Other Vet clubs, Goldstar families and Fallen Heroes. More in line with our mission.

    5/17/25 Armed Forces Day

    ABATE is looking for a road captain and safety officer.

    Jeramiah and Precious built a roof over the firewood box. Jeramiah’s next project is the roof over the A/C unit.

    Newbyginings needs help! They need Veteran volunteers to help organize and run non-Vet volunteers. They are also asking for a letter of support for the organization from the club

    Vice president’s report: Nothing currently.

    Sargent at arms report: Nothing currently.

    Secretary’s report: Nothing currently.

    Treasurer’s report:

    Elvis: If you pay your dues on the Forum, bring me a receipt so I know you paid.

    Bug: nothing.

    Advocates report:

    Just Rob: Nothing currently.

    Stevo: Nothing currently.

    Digger: Nothing currently.

    Resource officers report:

    BBW: We are doing great helping our fellow Vets.

    Ride & event committee:

    Gnomie: next meeting will be 1/20/25.

    5/17/25 Armed Forces Day. Pastimes in Athol.

    Hansel: Working on fundraisers.


    Scout: Start up in February.

    Outreach center report:

    Fallout: Price increase for renting the OC. Members $50.00 Non-members $100.00

    If known Associates want to donate to the O.C. Put it in the donation can.

    Store report: Closed.

    Auxiliary report:

    Gemini: 2024 was a great tear for fundraising.

    We helped 10 families for Christmas.

    Next Auxiliary meeting is 2/1/2025.

    Chaplin’s report:

    Presious: Keep Kathy (Bugs other half) in tour prayers.

    Patch Committee:

    (Steveo, Sweed, BBW, Hansel, Cornfed and Digger.)

    If you get a letter from us, were not asking for your patch. We would like you to be more involved with the club, do your 3,3 &3 and /or catch up on your dues.

    Next meeting is 1/16/25 1830.

    Sponsors report:

    Stitch / Spider. February.

    Scout / Jax. March.

    Scout / Highway. Received his back patch. Congratulations.

    Skite / Gun Z. Prospect.

    Tex / Scott Evans. Prospect. Road name is Lead shoes; Susan’s Road name is Suzi Cue.

    Weed / Water Bug. Prospect.

    Gnomie / Ovnicek, Kegan “Doc” Prospect. Needs a bike.

    Recruiting Committee:

    Steveo / Gemini.

    We can get personalized business cards now.

    New business:

    The new officers are as follows:

    Vice President: Scout.

    Advocate Skite and Hansel.

    congratulations Brothers.

    Old business:

    Good to the order:

    Meeting adjourned: 1932

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