February 7Th, 2024 Genral meeting minutes.

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  • #625
    Darian Allen


    General meeting agenda

    February, 7 TH, 2024

    Call to order: _____1832__

    Members/auxiliary & guests___50__

    Officers present: P, VP, SA, Secretary, both treasurers and all 3 Advocates.

    Pledge, Moment of silence: SA

    President’s report:

    POW/MIA September 21ST We need a committee, Scout stepped up to be the chair. Let’s encourage our prospects to step up for this.

    Bike show. $75.00 More than last year. Signup sheet is ready. We are doing 3 hour shifts this year.

    February 10TH 0900-1100 Pancake feed at Cruisers. $10.00 per person. Proceeds go to BATAA for kids.

    February 11, march for the fallen, Jake Hess Memorial Blood Drive. 0900-1400 Vitalant blood center.210 W. Cataldo Ave.

    Bull Lake August 9 & 10. We are providing security for this event. Donation to follow.

    Ginger will head up The Dan Kleckner golf classic this year.

    Sponsors need to keep track of their prospect’s 3, 3, & 3.

    February 24TH Abate, Sauce off. Our clubhouse. $20.00to enter. Registration 1600- 1700. Judging 1700-1800, eat 1800-2000.

    Frosty Buns Run, February 25TH 0930, (Tentative) @ Cruisers. 1ST date.

    Pagans; – West Coast opener Feb. 10 @ 1700 15.00 single 20.00 double. Need a small group to attend.

    May 19TH Spokane ABATE, motorcycle awareness.

    Vice president’s report:

    December 31ST donation, $550.00 from Rich Lentes.

    Sargent at arms report: Nothing currently.

    Secretary’s report:

    I Should have access to publish to the forum. Meeting minutes will be on Facebook as well.

    POW/MIA, donation letters & first flyers. Signup sheet is on the table.

    Thank you letters to last year’s donators have been mailed out.

    We the members of CVR need to forgive the indiscrimination’s of our brothers and sisters. Let us be the family that we are.

    Treasurer’s report:

    Bug: Nothing currently.

    Postie: Financial statement for members.

    Advocates report:

    Just Rob: Nothing currently.

    Digger: Nine: donated Decorative lights to the club. They look cool! Helped install the new light over our club logo on the front of our Clubhouse. And installed a receptacle outside the back door for our traveling friends and brethren. (Brothers and Sisters). It locks so you must have the key to use the power. Nine would also like to be our grounds keeper. Good stepping up Brother!

    Stevo: Nothing currently.

    Hillbilly donated an awesome flight line photo, taken while he was serving at that location By Major Winslow (call sign Snake eyes). It is hanging over our computer by the store. Ask hillbilly about it, he would love to tell the story to you.

    Event coordinator’s report: Simo: not present.

    Resource report: BBW: not present.

    Ride committee:

    New chairperson. Congregations Digger

    Lolo ride is off for now, too expensive.

    Clubhouse report:

    Clubhouse reserved, 10TH Freedom Riders.

    13TH Abate.

    24TH Abate, Sauce off.

    Store report: Nothing currently;

    Auxiliary report:

    Ruth was given her road name patch by Tink (Stoge).

    Chaplin’s report: Precious:

    Keep Teach, Hillbilly and his wife Nikki, Tink, Strider and Flames in your prayers.

    Sponsors report:

    Tex: Conda.

    Bug: Runaway.

    Stevo: Delano.

    Precious: Braden.

    Dawg: Elvis.

    New business:

    Save the date:

    February 10TH Pagans; – West Coast opener @ 1700.

    February 24TH Abate, Sauce off. Our clubhouse.

    Frosty Buns’ Run, February 25TH 0930, Cruisers.

    March 8-10TH Bike show.

    July 6TH Newby – Byers’ ride

    July 13TH Guardian’s, Kid’s Day at the park.

    July 20TH Abate Comedy show, Fundraiser. Our clubhouse. Price?

    September 14, March for the fallen.

    September 21ST POW/MIA ride and event.

    Old business:

    Good to the order:

    Flames has been moved to Odd fellows nursing home.

    Puddles brought in med supplies to build first aid kits.

    Medal of Honor ride to Seattle on March 25Th, we might do it later in the year. (must cross the pass)

    May 18TH Armed Forces Day celebration at Pastime bar in Athol.

    Dawg is working with Buck Knifes to get a fundraiser for our open house.

    Meeting adjourned: ____1920 Hrs.

    • This topic was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by Darian Allen.
    • This topic was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by Darian Allen.
    • This topic was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by Darian Allen.
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