11/2/2022 General meeting minutes
October 21, 2023 at 1:38 pm #564Thomas MaleyParticipant
11/2/2022 CVR General Meeting Minutes
Pledge of Allegiance, moment of silence
Meeting called to order @ 18:42 hours, 44 present
Officers Present: President, Jeramiah, Vice President, Ginger, Secretary, Mick, Treasurer, Postie / Bug, SAA, Jamz
Guests: Angelic, Tuner’s wife, Jim USMC service vet ’77-’81, friend of Strider, Mark Summers USAF mechanic did 2 deployments from southern California rides BMW.
President Report: Not feeling too good may leave early. Group went to visit Guy, vet suffering ALS. Stayed for over an hour and a half. They fed us pizza, beer and soda. Found out Guy was an Army officer and helicopter pilot, 2 tours of duty in Viet Nam, 16 years in the Army retired a Colonel, went into restaurant business and retired here in Spokane Valley. Asked how the VA was doing with the care he was getting and he was satisfied with it. He had a piece of medical equipment that was broken and was having a little problem having it replaced or repaired. Scout was able to locate one with help from Newby-ginings and made arrangements to get it the next day and delivered it to them. It was good to hear him laugh and talk about himself and life in general, his wife was so happy that we made the time to come over and keep him company, it meant a lot to her that we came to honor her husband.
Thanks to Tex for getting and delivering the 8 tables the auxiliary asked for.
Want to get started getting donations for next year’s POW/MIA auction & raffles, talk with businesses before they close their books at the end of the year. Get a new committee together and start meeting ASAP. Volunteers for committee are, Scout will chair, Puddles, Dawg, Jeramiah.
Invited by Lone Wolf and the CVMA to a flag lowering and raising ceremony at Lone Wolf Harley Davidson. They will lower the flag on this Friday the 4th. Get there by 17:00. They will raise the flag on Saturday the 5th. Get there by 10:30. Meet at Lone Wolf.
The city of Fairfield is dedicating a plaque for veterans, on Veterans Day Friday the 11th at 13:00. They asked us if we had anybody willing to sing the National Anthem, also asked for color guard and any vet who would like to speak any volunteers notify Jeramiah.
Jeramiah turned meeting over to Ginger and left with Lil mama.
VP Report: Just wanted to, again, thank all who helped with everything going on with the POW/MIA ride and event and the moving wall.
Sec Report: Membership list is updated waiting on Auxiliary to update their members.
Treasurer Report: Club received $4,000.00 from Dan Kleckner’s GOLF Classic. Can help members catch up on dues if needed.
SAA: Nothing
Resource Officer: Helped a vet, moving his mother, load a U-hall van. Directs vets to the resources and services they need for assistance.
Chaplain: Thought & prayers go out to Simo’s wife Colett who has come down with shingles. Precious’s sister-in-law, Karen Whitly, donates $50.00 a month to CVR. Started a Thank You Card for her.
Advocates: Dirt: nothing. Digger: Be kind to one another in the club and out.
Auxiliary Report: Radar, the Christmas party will be on 12/10, passing around a signup sheet for food to bring. Get food to clubhouse by 17:00 on the 10th. Teach, working with schools, churches, and Newby-ginings for the names and needs of veteran’s families, and vets for Christmas. We have an assistance form to fill out and give us information on contacting them and their needs. Members who want to sponsors a family will be given a list of what they ask for, go out and buy it, wrap it and give to auxiliary to deliver, or donate money and the auxiliary will do everything. Need to get any money to Alicia Buckles or Teach by 12/5
Club House: Nothing.
Store: Still working on caps, have a signup sheet for them. Have some POW/MIA shirts, new patches and pins. Let us know if you think about something we don’t have but would like. Have an order form for the flags Waterdog is working on.
IT: Scout, met with Knocks Marketing will have price and site building ideas by next e-board.
Sponsors: Dawg, Rob: Start over next year Chief, Justin not riding now wait till next season
Digger, Stich: needs 6 months Tex, Marius: needs 6 months
Digger presented Cornfed with Flash Patch w/ service designator.
Bug presented Skite with Flash Patch
Tex presented Tuner with Flash Patch.
Hillbilly: He now has all the equipment he needs and is able to do cooking and catering for events. Brough in some fresh kill deer sausage he made and will sell for $15.00 a bag. If all is sold will give $50.00 to Christmas for Vets.
Old Business & Miscellaneous Topics: Sweed update on project bike, got the carburetors on and working on the chokes. Meeting on Mondays at 18:00 come on down and work on bike or just visit. Think $5,00.00 should be the asking price.
New business: Nominations for Vice President and 2 Advocates, Just Rob Advocate, Pappy Advocate, Tex Advocate, Dawg Advocate, Ginger Vice President.
Bug, we have a form to fill out for donations from or to a charity or individual. Contact Bug or Postie to get this form filled out when getting or giving money.
Quickly went over the charities and organizations the club will be donating to, Walla Walls vets retirement home, Walla Walla vets clothing store, Vets Court, Newby-ginings, Vets outreach center, Spokane vets’ home.
For Good of the Order: Scout, let him know if you want a yellow and black flannel shirt, they are $22.00.
Justin has a tour back and a drill press he is selling if anyone interested.
Puddles is looking for a new home for his female, tabby, cat. Can’t keep any longer.
Hillbilly spoke about doing a shootout on property he has; club has done shootouts before and would be interested in setting one up.
Momma Bear, Panhead was not here tonight, had to get shots in his back for pain.
Precious read “Biker Code” to the club.
Meeting adjourned: 19:55 hours
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